The Lord has blessed me with the best friends since I have been at Troy and a great campus ministry that i have really enjoyed getting plugged into, but lately i really feel like that hasn't been enough. For the past week, I have felt these small nudges from God that He is expecting more out of my life!
As important as it is to live my life as a living witness I am finding it's time to put myself out there and profess not only that I believe in Him, but Why i believe in Him. All my life I have wanted to share my faith with people who don't know the Lord, but always found myself in fear of rejection.Don't get me wrong, i am still scared to be rejected, but here lately I have really began to put things into perspective, and the reality is, It is a LIFE or DEATH situation and should be something i can't talk about enough. I know it sounds pretty basic but I really feel like this is the next step the Lord has for my life and what an important one! I just wish i would have followed it sooner!! I have no idea when this will be, or how He is going to use this, but I have no doubt He will! I have no idea as to what He wants me to say, whether it be my testimony or just to share the love of christ, but I know it will all fall into place! It was after this realization i remembered just how awesome our God is : Patient, loving, Forgiving, Omniscient, Never failing, Healer, Comforter, Provider, and most of all our REDEEMER!
The Lord has been SO many of these things to me and more just in the past year and i only hope he can use me to share his same love for others. God can heal anyone anytime, any day if we only run to HIM!! My dad ( The senior pastor at my home church) spoke on losing shame this morning and revealed his heart for people living in shame. Seeing his heart for those who are hurting really inspired me ,and although many people did not take a physical step of faith this morning towards the alter ,i know hearts were stirred and the Lord will do the rest!
Having almost completed my first semester in college (yay!) I have become well adjusted to the new schedule, but not always in the best way. It's so easy for me to be content with the Lord and where he has me, but where I am now i don't feel like is enough. I want Him to use me and stretch me in new ways each and EVERY day and i really mean that. I want to speak to someone who may reject the idea of God, and if they do, I want to be able to walk away with a peace because I know I revealed to them who He is to ME! Seeking Him daily is one thing I came to college with the intent of doing, and i am going to take these next four years bring me closer to the fathers heart than i ever thought or could imagine! I don't want to ever be content,but always seeking and striving to be drawn closer and closer to His heart!