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Saturday, April 6, 2013


So many thoughts run through my mind at the moment, yet one has remained constant... Do not dwell on what is to be, and BE THANKFUL!
It's so easy to run with the pace of the world and get wrapped up in the "What's next...stage" Where will I go to college, What will my major be, When will I graduate, Where will I work, Where will I live, When will I get married, When will we have kids... and the list goes on!
Yes, they are valid questions; Nevertheless, they cause us to shift focus long enough to take our eyes from truth (Jesus) and onto desperately depending on circumstances rather than the word of God.
Why do we do this? Have we become so disillusioned with patience and waiting that we depend on an "Instant or I'm out" mentality?
Although His timing seems postponed at times, delayed, or even null in void, we must hold true to Hebrews 6:19
"We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain."
It's funny to me that although we grow older and wiser in so man ways the yearning for more never stops... Why is that? Why can't we be content with what has been given and trust God for what he will and longs to provide in HIS time? Why....Because we are still in the flesh, and although God is not glorified by my inward focus on my circumstances, my timing, mine, mine, mine... He IS glorified when I lift my hands in surrender as I realize I cannot do this, and desperately need Him to be the anchor through every sweet or stormy sea! How do we do this? How do we get passed our selfishness and need for answers to our self-related questions... The answer is one simple word, Thankfulness...

Thankful for what He has done, Thankful for what He is doing, and Thankful for what He will do! 

Not out of obligation, but by grace

Not out of pity, but by love

Not out of results, but by hope....

Hope... throughout the uncertainty of the the result, timing, and even outcome.
Hope that heals, restores, revives and renews.
HOPE, because He who promised is FAITHFUL!!!

Some of my favorite scriptures all include the word HOPE (( Hince the title of this blog! )) :)

*Romans 15:13

"May the God of your HOPE so fill you with all joy in peace in believing that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound, and be overflowing with HOPE!"

*Romans 5:5

"And HOPE does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

*Colossians 1:27

"God wanted to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in 
you,the HOPE of glory."

Thankful for so many blessing this Saturday evening!! 