I feel like i have found 2 hidden treasures lately that i can't help but share...
This first one is the book, The Shack
It's about a man's journey through forgiveness due to a tragedy that no parent could ever dream of facing. Although there are points that are hard to endure, and even at times, just plain weird the message is something I cannot help but share. After reading this book I not only came to realize how much I was limiting my God, but I even came to realize this God that I say I love and long to know more and more, cannot be put into a category. He is so great, so powerful and so many things, His creations and He himself truly are Indescribable! In fact in the book the author makes a point to say, if all of God could be fathomed, what would be the mystery, the challenge of waking up and longing to know him more? That would be lost, after all who wants a God that we understand all of, I don't know about you but I long for a God who will always be millions of steps ahead of me unfolding a picture that I cannot see ( even when it means not understanding) because though I sometimes wonder how tragedy does strike and hurt the ones who love him so much, we are only seeing a glimpse of what is unfolding, where as he sees the whole thing. A friend of mine couldn't have described it better. We were sitting on the pier at a friends lake house and she said this analogy I will never forget.
As humans we look through life like peaking through the cracks on the pier looking at only a small percentage of the lake. For all we know, that is it, there is no more that we can see, yet God, the creator himself sees the whole lake. Although he sees the part that we are only seeing he sees what has come, and has yet to come for his dearly beloved.
So at times when it seems hard, don't lose faith.
"He who promised is faithful" and when we trust him, we allow him to ( in His timing) reveal his plan for our lives. I don't want to go into to many more details explaining the book because I really want you to read this book! Though at times it may be hard not to put down because it seems "way out of the box" remember, We cannot limit God and God can choose to reveal himself for just what we need!
I'll write about the second book I have come to love to in my next post, but until then I'll leave you with a quote from The Shack...
"An Infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others."
-A. W. Tozer