I have posted about Momentum before, but for those who do not know, Momentum Ministries is a student led Organization that takes place on Troy University's campus every sunday at 10:55 am. The purpose behind Momentum is to share the gospel with those who have not heard it before. To provide a time and place for worship that is welcoming to all types of people and we are all united under one name...JESUS!
This past sunday we introduced something new that I wanted to share...Dad (To be professional, Pastor Keith Waldrop) spoke on Prayer and we had an illustration of different forms of worship.
These were:
Prayer one on one: Students could go and pray with students at the cross for specific needs
Prayer on a poster: Students wrote things to pray for, both in our world, on our campus, etc.
Offering: Students gave freely of what that had
Cross: Students came and literally nailed to the cross things that had become idols in their lives
It was an incredible time of worship, not only in song but in all of these acts of worship. I am discovering more each day worship is a two way conversation, it is not limited to song, prayer, or even offering, but it is the very way we connect with our father. There is freedom in surrender and I am thankful for all of the things laid down at the cross this past week. God is at work in a big way on our campus and in this city! Stay focused, He is at work!
Check out our new website:
To Him be the glory!