I have dropped the ball on blogging daily or even every couple of days, however I am planning on catching up soon!
On another note, I was at a friends house tonight for fellowship and she asked a question that really got me thinking. The questions was:
"If there was something you could tell younger girls about what it would be and why?"
Without hesitating it was this...
Finding love, or having love "find you," is not the end all, peak, or even starting point of life. Life begins when we find our rest and salvation in Christ alone, and ONLY that completes us!
As quickly as this thought came to mind though, I realized right after this... That if and when I am not fully guarded and holding my thoughts captive to the Lord, this is the VERY lie I find myself believing.
Allow me to elaborate...
Common questions asked are:
So are you dating anyone? Well why not? I have a cousin, friend, son, nephew, grandson, & the list goes on...
It's these questions, conversation starters, and even ( yes I know) "best intentions"that make you think...Well why am I single, something must be wrong with me!
It's when I ask myself this question that I should be ready with my response... I am single because God has given this to me for this season.
No I don't believe it will last forever, no it's not always fun or comforting, but YES, this is where I am and I will embrace it.
Easy to write, and even say, but how easy is this to live?
As women of the WORLD: Impossible
As women of the WORD: Not only possible, but with JOY!
In addition to this, as single women we have an opportunity now that we will not have forever.
For example, how many of us have heard our parents say, "well when I was your age...." We immediately tune them out because yes they were our age at some point, but that day is not today.
It is the same way with our singleness. We have an opportunity now to invest, pour into, and lead lives that show that life is not about finding love, or even love finding us but that GOD shows, shares, and GIVES us life and a love greater than life itself!
I don't know about you but I'm ready to fully embrace this season and not slow down or even spend time wondering what will be when life is here now. Relationships, opportunities and random acts of kindness await us everyday, but we must embrace it now!
We will continue to yearn and dream of the "next" phase until we take faith and hope in what God is doing now!
Don't allow Satan to rob you of what the Lord is doing now, remember...
..."No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9