"I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever."
Psalm 52:8
I do not know what it is about the word steadfast, but it has reoccured over and over and over again in my quiet time each day so i finally decided to research it more
According to Websters dictionary steadfast means:
1.Firmly fixed in place; immovable
2.Firm in belief; determination, or adherence.
and love means:
1.Unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another.
2.The object of attachment,devotion, and admiration
So to trust in the STEADFAST LOVE of the Lord as the verse states above we are saying that we fully believe he is immovable, determined, loyal and has the deepest concern for us than we could ever begin to imagine. I really cannot tell you how many times i have run across this word just in the past few weeks but it was most definitely for a reason. Last night a friend of mine said, "sometimes i forget God is for me" She then went on to say " I guess sometimes i expect him to condemn me for the sins i have committed, but he is for me all the time" As we all sat in the room and listened to her speak i realized just how true that is. How many of us are guilty of putting God in a box? I know I am! I find this to be hilarious because God is God and even if i wake up with the mindset to know everything about God that i can learn i will NEVER be able to fathom all of him! How incredible is that?! He is that BIG, that POWERFUL!! See we not only have the privilege to spend time with the creator of the universe each day, but he has no END!! His greatness is always going to amaze you, and even better, We will never quit learning!!
"Your steadfast love, O Lord extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Your
righteousness is like the mountains of God!"
Psalm 36:5-6
*By the way I have to give props to my friend caroline who took the
awesome picture above! love you!