"GLORY to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those whom His favor rests."
-Luke 2:14
What a GREAT Christmas! Starting off the weekend festivities with a candlelight service, coming home to eat a delicious meal, and then waking up on Christmas morning and going to church with the family to worship our Saviour. It could not have been a more perfect Christmas!
I really do wish Christmas was on a Sunday every year! Easter is always on a Sunday, why not Christmas?! I could go on for a little longer, but i'll get off my soapbox and move on :)
I happen to be very fond of my preacher, who just so happens to be my Dad:) Anyways, I loved the topic for yesterdays sermon. It wasn't the typical Christmas story (Though there is nothing typical about it!) but he spoke on one word: GLORY. It brought a new perspective to the story of Christmas as he highlighted the morning from the view of God. All for his glory he sent his son in the form of a baby, so that He would be revealed for all to see as the King of Kings, and LORD of all!
The definition of Glory is this:
To embellish, exalt, magnify above ALL. Also known as the weight of God.
This even brings more understanding to the star which appeared in Bethlehem that night. The star (high above all) literally marked the spot for the place that would reveal the Glory of God!
"After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.When they saw the star, they were overjoyed."
-Matthew 2:9-10
The Glory of God literally means that the Glory of God creates such a weight that it becomes so heavy, change is inevitable. With this being said, a person who sees his glory (like the shepherds and wise men did that night) is no longer able to fight or resist change.
Much like the wise men that night (Who I recently learned were not limited to 3, but I will save that for a later post!)...We cannot fight the Glory of God, but instead fall to our knees in response to his powerful and incomparable...GLORY!
Our focus when giving God the glory shifts from our earthly mindset, to a heavenly one, which promises life and life to the full. (John 10)
I wish I could share all of my notes, but since I can not, I will leave you with this great verse.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate (also known as to ponder) the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
-2 Corinthians 3:17-18 NIV (emphasis, mine)
I encourage you to look for the word glory next time you are in the word! You won't look at it the same!
Switching gears...Here are some pics to recap the wonderful weekend. I am so grateful that our family was able to be together. Jer and Rach left for Canada this morning to see Jer's family, but it was so nice to have them here this year. Though things are changing in the Waldrop house, I love where it has been and love where it is going!
"To our God and Father be GLORY, for ever and ever. Amen."
- Philippians 4:20