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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Genesis 3-4

Genesis 3 (The Fall )

v16 God give a command to Adam & Eve.
"for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

When Eve tells the serpent she says...
"...Neither shall you touch it, lest you die."

We are in a dangerous spot when we add to, or do not take the word of God JUST as it is written.

Serpent says to Eve:
"You will not surely die."

Satan always opposes the word or God and cannot be trusted!

*After Adam & Eve ate of the fruit God asks (v9) "Where are you?"
He is God and is all knowing; therefore He did not ask because he was lacking in knowledge. He asked because he was giving Adam the opportunity to be honest and confess his sin.

Genesis 4 (Cain and Abel)

Cain- Acquired (Life comes from God)
Abel-Worker of livestock (Life is Brief)
Cain kills Abel
God then asks 4 questions to Cain
*2 prior to Abels death
*2 after Cain kills Abel

God still blesses Cain by protecting him from death by leaving a mark on him so all would spare his life. (4:15)

After Cain remains unrepentant, Cain leaves the presence of God. (4:16)

Cain then marries and the lineage of the "Cainites" begins.

Eve becomes pregnant again (Seth) and the lineage of "Sethites" begins.

Lineage of Seth is as follows:










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