So I just had something so cool happen so I had to share about it. I got to California almost a week ago (as of tomorrow!) and am interning at Bayside and got to go to two of the weekend services. They have a total of 5, and I wanted to check a couple of them out, mainly because no sermon/service is the same! (I am my fathers daughter) but it's true. THere is always "bonus material" if you stay for more than one. Today Pastor Ray spoke on 2 Peter, Chapter three. His main points were to : Keep your cool, Keep looking forward, Share your faith, and Expect Gods best. Such a great sermon, and i'll have to share more later. BUT, something so cool just happened!
I started an account with verse a day many months ago, and although it is not my quiet time of the day, I do enjoy getting them on my email and am often encouraged by the verses. The Lord has used them numerous times in my life, because although I know I'm not the only one subscribed to getting the many verses, I know my God is not a God of coincidence, and LOVE when he connects the dots.
I was hanging out with some friends tonight, and had a thought to check my email for my verse of the day. Can you guess what the verse was...2 Peter 3:9 (which Pastor Ray most definitely highlighted today)
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
How cool is that! Not only is this such a powerful in itself, in holding true to the promise of God, that he is patient and longs for EVERYONE to come to repentance. One of the main points of the sermon was this...We (As christians) are all sitting in church and the pastor said Christ loves all of us, but he loves all of those who aren't here and not pursuing the Lord JUST as much. Let's get out there, lets share our faith and lets LOOK and move FORWARD!
To sum things up, God is so good! I am in awe right now, just to even think that I am out here and the verse i had today matched up with the sermon i heard this morning. I know the Lord brought me to cali this summer, but it's so sweet how the Lord can use the smallest things to remind us and say I'm here!
Be encouraged, He is here, and with us ALWAYS! I encourage you to look for the small things this week, what has the Lord placed or will place in your life this week to say, "I'm here!"
I'll close with this verse dad sent me!
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
More pics from Cali are coming soon! I just had to share!
In Him,