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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1 Week and Counting!

Crazy to think this time next week I will be in California! I figured I would put a post telling about what I will be doing for the next 8 weeks!! I am flying out of Atlanta, this monday June 7th, and headed to Sacramento, California for a worship internship. This is an opportunity that I have been wanting to do for almost two years now, and now Lord willing, I am going in just a few days!!
I will be interning at Bayside Covenant Church and I am so excited to see all the Lord has in store this summer! While I'm over there I will be working at the church each day, as well as singing on the worship team for the weekend services, in addition to helping out with the youth group and college ministry. I am also so excited about this next opportunity. I will be leading a group of girls in some type of discipleship group.
Please pray for me as I do this, teenage girls hold a special place in my heart and I want the Lord to use me as his vessel as I lead them this summer. Please pray for me as I am over there. For wisdom, insight, and spiritual growth. It is a new adventure for sure, and although it is a new place that I know almost no one, I know the Lord is going to use this summer to stretch me and teach me in a new way!
I'm looking forward to updating from Cali soon!

To HIm be the glory,

1 comment:

kim schoettker said...

so proud of you and envy flying to California. I used to fly a lot when my dad worked for Delta. After a few children and no more buddy passes, those days are long gone. Enjoy seeing new people, new faces, new souls; I have no doubt you will so bless that church. Better have them turn down the speakers though-you sure can sing. Please sing Nicole C. Mullen, Press for me. Love Kim Schoettker